Onion Juice for hair growth!!


*Hair is made up of different layers, chemical bonds and amino acids(protein).Hair consists of proteins,out of which keratin is  responsible for its strength. Hair has sulfur and Di sulfur bonds which determine the hair texture.
*Onions are rich in sulfur,which is one of the main building blocks of hair. It also improves blood circulation and provides nourishment to hair follicles.
*Sulfur also has antibacterial and anti fungal properties, killing germs,and putting an end to fungal infections. Indeed,another benefit of applying onion juice to the scalp is that it gets rid of dandruff which is usually fungal in nature.

-How to use onion juice:
*Onion juice: 1-2 teaspoon
*coconut oil: 1-2 teaspoon
*essential oil: few drops of your choice(optional,this will help to mask the odor of onion)
*massage the mixture into the scalp and keep for 1-2 hours. Then rinse off with a mild shampoo.

Caution: many people can be allergic to onion juice,carry out a patch test on a small area before applying it all over your scalp.

This is a natural treatment, so you’ll have to be patient to see the results!

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